Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Clicktap Technologies LLP respects each individual user’s right to privacy. You can visit Clicktap Technologies LLP and its brand on the World Wide Web without telling it who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Clicktap Technologies LLPs web servers collect the IP address, operating system, browser information, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors. This information is analyzed to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. Clicktap Technologies LLP reviews this information to measure the use of its site and to improve the content of its site.
There are times, however, when Clicktap Technologies LLP may need information from you, such as your name and address. Clicktap Technologies LLP may collect personal identifying information when such information is specifically and knowingly provided from users during requests for information about our services or the services of our members. The personal information collected is used only to respond to your inquiry. It is Clicktap Technologies LLPs policy not to share that information outside its organization without your knowledge or consent.
Clicktap Technologies LLP may conduct online surveys on occasion to better understand the needs and profile of its visitors. When Clicktap Technologies LLP conducts an internet survey, we will try to let you know how we will use the information at the time of collection. Clicktap Technologies LLPs web site may contain links to other sites such as company websites, trade associations, search engines and internet tools. While Clicktap Technologies LLP attempts to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, Clicktap Technologies LLP is not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.
Clicktap Technologies LLP will not monitor or disclose Customer’s private email messages exchanged between Clicktap Technologies LLP and the customer unless required to do so by court order or law. Clicktap Technologies LLP will cooperate with law enforcement authorities and will notify such authorities if it suspects that Customer is engaged in illegal activities.